Without Harmful Medications, Expensive Trips to the Doctor or Allergist, Irritating Nasal Sprays, or Risky Medical Procedures.
I tried my hardest to finish the chores for today. My nose is so runny and swollen that I can barely do anything now.
It’s been around 16 hours of cooking and cleaning, and looking after my two kids at home. I've been sneezing pretty much all day.
As a stay-at-home-mom, I don't have much time to take a break or rest.
So I constantly suffer from sneezing, blocked or runny nose, even post-nasal drip, causing my indoor allergies to act up.
At first, in the morning it starts with just the occasional sneezes.
But as the day goes on, the discomfort and swelling intensifies...
My nose has so much mucus and swells up badly.
... It gets to a point where my nose is swollen, I sneeze all the time, holding sheets of tissue.
This has repeated all day every day since I can remember.
My daily life was filled with so much shame and humiliation (not to mention the severe discomfort)...
When I met with my friends, they would start to giggle every time I made a pre-sneeze face as they knew what's about to come...
They would literally laugh as I let out a violent sneeze, followed by a whole lot of tissue wiping. And they would make fun of me for looking "like a sick old lady."
So I laugh too... but deep inside I feel so embarrassed.
I can't afford to hire a helper, and I can't afford expensive doctor visits either.
I want to be close to my family. But my nose made it impossible to be the wife and mother they deserve.
I was dreading getting out of bed each morning, let alone doing chores and engaging with my kids throughout the day.
I would put on a happy face for my friends and family, and pretend everything was okay.
But it quickly became evident to everyone around me that it wasn't.
I felt like an 80-year-old woman, even though I was still in my 40s.
So, if you're like me - suffering from swollen runny nose, blocked nose, post-nasal drip, indoor allergies, or sinus issues, I really FEEL you.
And I want you to know it's not your fault.
No one chooses to have common indoor allergies and sinus issues. But some people choose not to do anything about them.
I was desperate. I was afraid of becoming useless. Some days the swelling gets so bad that I can barely breathe.
I tried everything from irritating nasal sprays, antihistamines, and expensive doctor and allergist visits, to decongestants and even those allergy shots, but nothing worked.
They all just temporarily mask the symptoms.
Nasal sprays are basically useless. They only bring me more irritation and discomfort.
Antihistamines do provide short-term relief but the moment you stop taking them, the effect wears off.
Plus, they make me drowsy and fatigued ALL the time.
And there are a lot of negative side effects like blurred vision, dry throat, and digestive issues.
Doctor visits aren't effective, and my wallet can't afford all the frequent visits plus it's a 60 min drive each time.
Decongestants also help, but only for a short time. The symptoms come right back and much worse once you stop using them.
Allergy shots - Gosh! ... They are time-consuming and dangerous. I also can't afford such a long treatment duration.
... Nothing helped.
I was afraid that I was going to be bed-ridden.
To make matters worse, the symptoms got so bad that I couldn't perform as a mother and a wife to the people that matter the world to me!
I had to stop taking my toddlers to the park, which we always did at least 2 or 3 times a week. Nowadays I even struggle to play with them at home.
It was our way to connect with each other. We all loved it. And now it seems like it's in the past.
And my husband? Oh dear... I feel ashamed to talk about it.
To put it bluntly, we were not intimate. I just couldn't keep up nor did I have any desire. I was so tired all the time that all I thought about in the bedroom was sleeping.
We also went on fewer and fewer dates because I was so uncomfortable and self-conscious about my symptoms. I could feel the romance slowly drying up in our relationship.
One Sunday morning however, right after Christmas Eve, I decided I had enough.
Right then and there, I swore to God that I would find a solution.
I called every person who would listen. I searched high and low on the Internet for a cure.
Dozens of phone calls and endless hours spent on the Internet later, something happened...
One of my friends sent me a viral article that apparently had helped her find a solution to completely get rid of all her indoor allergies.
The article shared about a breakthrough device for treating common indoor allergies, even the worse cases of it!
The article showed that the miracle device works so well that now, we can truly say that medication is not your only option.
I was also skeptical about the device at first. But my friend told me that her other friends had also tried it, and it worked wonders on their indoor allergies! There were also over 100,000 people that reportedly had great results from using it.
Ok, that got my attention. I re-read this article about the indoor allergies device.
The article clearly explained the root problem of indoor allergies (allergic rhinitis).
"When your body displays indoor allergies, it is really trying to get rid of harmful airborne allergens present in the air that you are exposed to.
Some common harmful allergens hidden within your home include dust mites, mold spores, pollen, household dust, pet dander, and skin flakes.
Long-term untreated indoor allergy symptoms can bring negative effects such as constant restlessness, reduced productivity, increased medication side effects, and self-consciousness.
So, to successfully combat indoor allergies, you need to get down to the root cause - removing these allergens."
The article recommends STERRA, the biggest Singapore-based tech company that is going viral, had developed the indoor allergies device. They call it the Sterra Moon Air Purifier.
The Sterra Moon does more than just capture harmful airborne allergens that trigger indoor allergies
It is also proven to improve sleep, immune system, well being without side effects that medication brings.
What the heck! I had nothing to lose anyway. And they were offering a 30 day results-or-refund guarantee, so I could always get a full refund if I didn't like it.
I ordered 2 Sterra Moon Air Purifiers immediately.
The secret to the Sterra Moon Air Purifier is a unique combination of the two most effective systems to combat indoor allergies:
Triple layer Medical-grade filtration system
Advanced UV-C system
The triple layer Medical-grade filtration system includes three specifically designed filter layers, allowing it to effectively capture 99.97% of all harmful allergens. This reduces the amount of allergens airborne in your home, delivering fresh and clean air for you to breathe. Breathing in better air results in fewer allergies and better health!
The advanced UV-C system serves as an extra layer of protection against harmful allergens. It does so by neutralizing all airborne mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. This provides you peace of mind knowing your air no longer contains harmful pathogens that can trigger indoor allergies.
So you can get back to doing all of the things you enjoy, with the people you love, completely free of common indoor allergies.
Not to mention the real benefits of getting back to living your best life, happy and fulfilled.
The best part?
It's so simple to use.
You can turn it on by simply tapping its "eye lid" and let the air purifier do its thing - enjoy!
After just 7 days, my nose and throat are so much better. The Sterra Moon literally turned back the clock in my nose and throat by 20 years.
My swollen runny nose and scratchy throat are gone. I look forward to bringing my kids to the park every weekend, and going on long romantic dates with my husband.
I use my 2 Sterra Moon Air Purifiers in my bedroom and living room everyday and will continue to do so.
It takes only 15 minutes of having it on to feel a big difference in my home air quality. I feel like a new person.
This thing got me back to thriving in my life without indoor allergies, and being the woman I need to be for my family.
Now the friends who used to laugh at me all ask me where I got it.
Of course I told them. I hold no grudge.
Anyone who struggles with indoor allergy symptoms should have this at home.
Every time I feel even the most subtle symptom of indoor allergies, I just turn on the  Sterra Moon Air Purifier, let it run for 15 minutes and the associated symptom is gone. No kidding!
I can tell you that if it weren't for the Sterra Moon Air Purifier, my nose and throat would still be swollen and sore by now.
Instead, I'm ready to care for and be with my family.
My husband definitely noticed a dramatic difference... but that's a story I can't tell here...
I know it sounds like a stretch, but this strange device literally saved my life.
I can spend whole days full of energy and be the woman I always wanted to be.
I'm thriving as a mother, wife, and woman, and everyone around me has noticed.
And I have the energy of a woman 20 years younger.
I know the best days of my life are ahead of me.
If being free of indoor allergy symptoms is a priority for you, I can't recommend it enough - give the Sterra Moon Air Purifier a shot and watch as your symptoms disappear in seconds.
The Sterra Moon Air Purifier uses the Triple Layer Medical Grade Filtration System and the Advanced UV-C System to thoroughly clean the air in your home to improve your sleep quality, boost your immune system, and ultimately relieve all your indoor allergy symptoms.
The Triple Layer Medical Grade has three filter layers, each with a specific purpose:
Medical-grade true HEPA-13 filter
Activated carbon filter
Advanced pre-filter
The medical-grade true HEPA-13 filter effectively captures most extra fine allergens down to 0.3 μm such as fine dust, mold spores, pollen, pet dander, and dust mites. This filter layer can be found in complex air filtration systems used in hospitals and big expensive homes.
The activated carbon filter removes foul smelly odors like pet odor, cooking smells, smoke, and chemical fumes that can worsen your indoor allergy symptoms.
The advanced pre-filter sieves out larger harmful allergens known to trigger indoor allergies such as pet fur, hair, lint, cockroach droppings, and dust.
At the same time, the advanced UV-C system from the Sterra Moon Air Purifier inactivates all airborne mold spores, bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, destroying them at the DNA/RNA level, and preventing them from reproducing and getting reintroduced back into the air.
This winning combination results in instant and long-lasting relief from all indoor allergies and sinus issues.
Did you know that the use of a high-quality HEPA air purifier such as the Sterra Moon has been proven to provide relief for allergic rhinitis (common indoor allergies)? Here are the links to some of these studies
Hear how others relieve their common indoor allergy symptoms with the Sterra Moon Air Purifier
If you check out STERRA's website, you will find hundreds of verified reviews from people who were able to put an end to their indoor allergy suffering with this device.
To read more amazing stories about how the Sterra Moon has changed lives and order your air purifier, visit the STERRA's website.
Experience significant common indoor allergy relief within 30 days of using this air purifier, or get ALL your money back.
Watch your swollen runny nose disappear within 30 days or get all your money back.
STERRA's promise to you is this:
If you use this Sterra Moon Air Purifier for the next 30 days for just 15 minutes a day!
You WILL get rid of all indoor allergy symptoms and you WILL live your life to the fullest again.
Click the link below to check the availability
Still on the fence?
Imagine this: Your nose will feel like you're 20 again.
And you'll get back to all the things you love doing.
And if not?
You will receive a 100% refund of every penny you paid.
If you're not completely thrilled with the results, STERRA doesn't want your money. No hassles, no questions asked, no hidden charges.
If your swollen runny nose and sore scratchy throat are not relieved, they will return 100% of what you paid.
Simply reach out to their customer support team through one of the following ways:
Email: hello@sterratech.com
Click on the "Contact" tab found at the top of the STERRA website
*STERRA is based in Singapore but offers domestic shipping for customers based in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, and Malaysia.
You have nothing to lose.
Click the button below to check the availability.